Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ancient Hawaiian Knowledge with Hale Makua & Auntie Momi

Aloha all, This excerpt no. 2 from the Book of Ancient Hawaiian Knowledge

Makua says he is still with Tina today.
Makua sends Keala his Mana by touching her forehead and bestowing to her his Ha, his breath. He does this for Tina too. ( this is the traditional Hawaiian way of transferring knowledge from Kumu, teacher, to student.
Makua wants Keala to do a Hawaiian book of her interpretations and it needs to come form inside her. Keala can tap into journeys of ancestors that they want to share but haven't shared yet. This will be done through hypnotherapy and meditation.
Makua wants to assure Keala that the work she brings out is pure white light.
Tina says there is someone, a Hawaiian lady that is coming in to her from behind.
Keala asks if is Auntie Momi, and Tina says yes, though she doesn't know Auntie Momi herself.
Auntie Momi has come to tell Keala to that she needs to write a book about Ancient Hawaiian knowledge
Not just the ancient Hawaiian book as Keala knows it. Auntie Momi says that Keala will be use hypnotherapy to bring Auntie Momi and Tyco will have Makua come through Tyco
Keala asks Auntie Momi what the book should be called and she says the book of Ancient Hawaiian Knowledge.
Auntie Momi is thanked for her wisdom and then Auntie Momi kissed Keala on both cheeks.
Makua says to let go of all the material they been holding on to. He says he should have let it out. He was trying to let it out in the old Hawaiian way. He says let it go out. He says the time for Huna, secrets , is past, it is time for knowledge to come in the light and be shared.
K-”Tyco is stubborn you know, You met Tyco, he is a very stubborn person”
-Auntie Momi”but now is when I can really work with you,more than I could before, because I have knowledge that I had before, but I didn't know it until I crossed over.
K- okay
Auntie Momi - Does that make sense?
K- No that makes perfect sense. Because the human form denies us many accesses to what is real
Auntie Momi - umhum.
K -Okay well alright, back to the book
Is it just the ancient Hawaiian way as I interpret it or is there more to it?
Auntie Momi – yes there is more to it.
And but it is your interpretation of it.
K- and me as a haole?
Auntie Momi - Yes
K- is that going to be an impediment /
Auntie Momi no,not at all, because now we are training the children of the rainbow,
to take over, Makua was training the rainbow children also.
K- Does he have a message for Tyco ?
Auntie Momi -it's more of a message for you, for Tyco, for you to invite him in such a way that he really gets excited about it.
K- invite him into the training?
Auntie Momi,– yes
K -so we can uncover work together with him doing, guiding me?yes
Auntie Momi, so it come through him
K-is he gonna be the one that I put into session to tap into her?
Auntie Momi, -you are going to bring her through
K-through me? So he is going to guide me? Okay alright that sounds fair, I'll do that.
Auntie Momi,- He is also going to be able to tap into Makua. Even though he doesn't know him, he will get to know him on the other side.
K-Makua, that seems like a very complimentary thing
Auntie Momi,– he is perfect for him
K -yes very complimentary
Auntie Momi, -he really likes working with men too. He worked with a lot of women too, but he also liked working with men. He was trying to really help men come back into their power. Men's power has really been hurt.
K- Yes, and I do a lot of that would Tyco.

Please keep in touch and remember that deck of 62 Keala Kards of Positive Thinking are available at
As well as my four already published books -
"Healing What's Eating You", "Dream Analysis Handbook", "Talking to the Living and the Dead- Soul to Soul Communications", and "Experiencing Life after Death - A Soul Journey"

Keala Kards - Harmony

Keala Kards - Harmony
Aloha, I am going to start posting one card each day of my wonderful Keala Kards, which total a number of 62. These cards are based on positive thinking about your present life situation.You place one card to your left, this is your preview card, giving you insight to what energy is influencing your present situation. Then you make a row of three cars vertically just to the right of that card. The top middle row card is your mental state or thinking about your present situation. The middle middle card concerns your emotional influences and state at this time, the third and bottom card of the middle row is where you are instinctually, how are know at a "gut level' where you are right now. Now put one card to the right of this middle row of cards and that is your outcome or overall view of your present position. You have dealt a total of five cards and they will give you insights and clarity of where you are right now in your life and what lead up to this position and these cards will guide you in a more beneficial and positive outlook about your present situation and thus your projection and end goal is more positive.So you will have to wait awhile before you have enough cards to start using the cards properly but if you get to the first 25 you should have enough to begin dealing them yourself.

Card One1 - HARMONYHarmony is balance in all things. In healingterms it encompasses the mind – unconsciousand conscious, the emotions, the instinctualand the spiritual. If any of these arenas arenot in harmony, that imbalance will throwthe other aspects out of it’s harmony too. Tobe in harmony you need all of these arenasfunctioning in a state of well being and balance.The word disease has been said to be a state ofdis ease, dis harmony. It is that state of dis easeand dis harmony that brings emotional pain,mental malfunctioning, discord in your ability toknow what is right and it destroys your personalessence of being a divine creature. Harmony ishugely important to all phases of your life, withoutit you are in chaos and disease. Strive to bringharmony to all aspects of your life so your entirelife can blossom and you can move forward on apositive path.

You can also order this deck of cards so you don't have to wait to be guided with the Keala Kards of Positive Thinking.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Talking to the Kupuna

Aloha all, first of all I am was not born Hawaiian in this life, lived in Hawaii for 35 yrs and am now envolved with my love of spirit and talking to spirits.
These postings are excerpts from the future book Ancient Hawaiian Knowledge - messages from the rainbow side.

Messages from
Over the Rainbow
My dear friend Tina Stober and I were doing trades for services. Tina channels an Avatar by the name of Lee Ching and I do Soul to Soul Communications. She was interested in communicating with a Hawaiian Kumu who had passed over to the rainbow side a few years ago. I had heard of this Kumu before as my Kumu Dawn Wasson had met him in New Zealand and had wanted me to introduce myself to him which I never really felt comfortable with and then he died in a auto accident. Tina had contacted Hale Makua when she first got to the Big Island over eighteen years ago, asking him if he would take her on as a student. He didn't have room at the time and then she asked again when she moved over to the Puna side and by that time he wasn't taking anymore students.
Her quest for this session was to get some clearing and clarification with Hale Makua.
Tina starts off her session in her Kapu space which is a beautiful garden with a fountain in the middle with beautiful flowers that have a beautiful wafting smell.
Keala encourages Tina to sink this image deep into her soul so she may revisit anytime that she has need of it or it is appropriate that she return to the feelings that she is feeling now.
Keala asks Tina's higher self or consciousness, how Tina is doing with her process that she is working on concerning her stomach.
Keala asks the Higher self if it is appropriate to speak to Makua today and Tina says yes.
Tina has invited into her Kapu space a beneficial spirit guide which is a black panther named Sabra. Sabra tells Tina that her concern with her stomach deals with a process into the unknown. Sabra says it is okay and her stomach will go away over time and this process has begun and Tina won't feel as hungry because she doesn't need as much food now.
Tina remarks that she saw Sabra walking down a hallway last week in a meditation.
We call upon a messenger who is willing to retrieve the consciousness of Makua from the spirit realm. The messenger is an I'o a Hawaiian hawk, but Tina already sees Makua standing in her kapu space holding his staff.
Tina tells Makua she wishes that she could have studied more with him.

More to come....

Ancient Hawaiian Knowledge

Aloha I will posting the same exerpts from the working title of - Ancient Hawaiian Knowledge -
Messages from
Over the Rainbow
My dear friend Tina Stober and I were doing trades for services. Tina channels an Avatar by the name of Lee Ching and I do Soul to Soul Communications. She was interested in communicating with a Hawaiian Kumu who had passed over to the rainbow side a few years ago. I had heard of this Kumu before as my Kumu Dawn Wasson had met him in New Zealand and had wanted me to introduce myself to him which I never really felt comfortable with and then he died in a auto accident. Tina had contacted Hale Makua when she first got to the Big Island over eighteen years ago, asking him if he would take her on as a student. He didn't have room at the time and then she asked again when she moved over to the Puna side and by that time he wasn't taking anymore students.
Her quest for this session was to get some clearing and clarification with Hale Makua.
Tina starts off her session in her Kapu space which is a beautiful garden with a fountain in the middle with beautiful flowers that have a beautiful wafting smell.
Keala encourages Tina to sink this image deep into her soul so she may revisit anytime that she has need of it or it is appropriate that she return to the feelings that she is feeling now.
Keala asks Tina's higher self or consciousness, how Tina is doing with her process that she is working on concerning her stomach.
Keala asks the Higher self if it is appropriate to speak to Makua today and Tina says yes.
Tina has invited into her Kapu space a beneficial spirit guide which is a black panther named Sabra. Sabra tells Tina that her concern with her stomach deals with a process into the unknown. Sabra says it is okay and her stomach will go away over time and this process has begun and Tina won't feel as hungry because she doesn't need as much food now.
Tina remarks that she saw Sabra walking down a hallway last week in a meditation.
We call upon a messenger who is willing to retrieve the consciousness of Makua from the spirit realm. The messenger is an I'o a Hawaiian hawk, but Tina already sees Makua standing in her kapu space holding his staff.
Tina tells Makua she wishes that she could have studied more with him.

Auntie Momi's rainbow messages from the otherside

Aloha all, I will be posting blurbs from our upcoming book - Rainbow messages of Ancient Hawaiian knowledge, a working title, hopefully on a regular basis. We will start at the beginning and work our way up to present date. So here goes...

Messages from
Over the Rainbow
My dear friend Tina Stober and I were doing trades for services. Tina channels an Avatar by the name of Lee Ching and I do Soul to Soul Communications. She was interested in communicating with a Hawaiian Kumu who had passed over to the rainbow side a few years ago. I had heard of this Kumu before as my Kumu Dawn Wasson had met him in New Zealand and had wanted me to introduce myself to him which I never really felt comfortable with and then he died in a auto accident. Tina had contacted Hale Makua when she first got to the Big Island over eighteen years ago, asking him if he would take her on as a student. He didn't have room at the time and then she asked again when she moved over to the Puna side and by that time he wasn't taking anymore students.
Her quest for this session was to get some clearing and clarification with Hale Makua.
Tina starts off her session in her Kapu space which is a beautiful garden with a fountain in the middle with beautiful flowers that have a beautiful wafting smell.
Keala encourages Tina to sink this image deep into her soul so she may revisit anytime that she has need of it or it is appropriate that she return to the feelings that she is feeling now.
Keala asks Tina's higher self or consciousness, how Tina is doing with her process that she is working on concerning her stomach.
Keala asks the Higher self if it is appropriate to speak to Makua today and Tina says yes.
Tina has invited into her Kapu space a beneficial spirit guide which is a black panther named Sabra. Sabra tells Tina that her concern with her stomach deals with a process into the unknown. Sabra says it is okay and her stomach will go away over time and this process has begun and Tina won't feel as hungry because she doesn't need as much food now.
Tina remarks that she saw Sabra walking down a hallway last week in a meditation.
We call upon a messenger who is willing to retrieve the consciousness of Makua from the spirit realm. The messenger is an I'o a Hawaiian hawk, but Tina already sees Makua standing in her kapu space holding his staff.
Tina tells Makua she wishes that she could have studied more with him.

Talking to the living and the Dead

Aloha everyone, well I am going to try to do regular blogs on my favorite subjects. Talking to the living and the dead is right up there too.
I know it sounds bizarre and a little out there, but like so many things, we humans make things much more complicated than they have to be.
I am a certified hypnotherapist and I have been doing successful hypnotherapy sessions with people using Talking to the Living and the Dead - Soul to soul communications, for almost 17 yrs. now.
How it works is that in a hypnotherapy trance state I help you contact anyones else's - LIVING OR DEAD, higher consciousness.
It may sound spooky but it's not, not at all. The person you contact usually presents themselves as pretty much they were, or are, in realy life. They may be a composite of younger/older selves or take on a particular age, but they haven't changed essentially from who they were when you knew them. So there are no skull and bones, etheral wisps or states of deterioration or any of the images that horror films would have you believe.
No you recognise them and there is no eeriness to it at all, unless the person in their corporal ( real body) state was eerie to begin with.
There is an added advantage of using this type of therapy - when you connect with a person using this Talking to the living and the Dead session, you get to speak or communicate to that person's higher consciousness, in other word the better part of that person.
So if you are connecting with them to settle a dispute or clear up some negative energy, they are in their more progressed spiritual state. This doesn't mean that they still aren't nasty people, but they are usually less negative than in real life.
Well that's it for now. Please go to my site for my calender for Spiritual Experiences coming up in Arkansas at
Aloha Ya'll Rev. K