Saturday, June 20, 2009

Talking to the living and the Dead

Aloha everyone, well I am going to try to do regular blogs on my favorite subjects. Talking to the living and the dead is right up there too.
I know it sounds bizarre and a little out there, but like so many things, we humans make things much more complicated than they have to be.
I am a certified hypnotherapist and I have been doing successful hypnotherapy sessions with people using Talking to the Living and the Dead - Soul to soul communications, for almost 17 yrs. now.
How it works is that in a hypnotherapy trance state I help you contact anyones else's - LIVING OR DEAD, higher consciousness.
It may sound spooky but it's not, not at all. The person you contact usually presents themselves as pretty much they were, or are, in realy life. They may be a composite of younger/older selves or take on a particular age, but they haven't changed essentially from who they were when you knew them. So there are no skull and bones, etheral wisps or states of deterioration or any of the images that horror films would have you believe.
No you recognise them and there is no eeriness to it at all, unless the person in their corporal ( real body) state was eerie to begin with.
There is an added advantage of using this type of therapy - when you connect with a person using this Talking to the living and the Dead session, you get to speak or communicate to that person's higher consciousness, in other word the better part of that person.
So if you are connecting with them to settle a dispute or clear up some negative energy, they are in their more progressed spiritual state. This doesn't mean that they still aren't nasty people, but they are usually less negative than in real life.
Well that's it for now. Please go to my site for my calender for Spiritual Experiences coming up in Arkansas at
Aloha Ya'll Rev. K

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