Sunday, June 21, 2009

Keala Kards - Harmony

Keala Kards - Harmony
Aloha, I am going to start posting one card each day of my wonderful Keala Kards, which total a number of 62. These cards are based on positive thinking about your present life situation.You place one card to your left, this is your preview card, giving you insight to what energy is influencing your present situation. Then you make a row of three cars vertically just to the right of that card. The top middle row card is your mental state or thinking about your present situation. The middle middle card concerns your emotional influences and state at this time, the third and bottom card of the middle row is where you are instinctually, how are know at a "gut level' where you are right now. Now put one card to the right of this middle row of cards and that is your outcome or overall view of your present position. You have dealt a total of five cards and they will give you insights and clarity of where you are right now in your life and what lead up to this position and these cards will guide you in a more beneficial and positive outlook about your present situation and thus your projection and end goal is more positive.So you will have to wait awhile before you have enough cards to start using the cards properly but if you get to the first 25 you should have enough to begin dealing them yourself.

Card One1 - HARMONYHarmony is balance in all things. In healingterms it encompasses the mind – unconsciousand conscious, the emotions, the instinctualand the spiritual. If any of these arenas arenot in harmony, that imbalance will throwthe other aspects out of it’s harmony too. Tobe in harmony you need all of these arenasfunctioning in a state of well being and balance.The word disease has been said to be a state ofdis ease, dis harmony. It is that state of dis easeand dis harmony that brings emotional pain,mental malfunctioning, discord in your ability toknow what is right and it destroys your personalessence of being a divine creature. Harmony ishugely important to all phases of your life, withoutit you are in chaos and disease. Strive to bringharmony to all aspects of your life so your entirelife can blossom and you can move forward on apositive path.

You can also order this deck of cards so you don't have to wait to be guided with the Keala Kards of Positive Thinking.

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